Mr. Funnel Water Filter
The incredible Mr. Funnel - if you haven't seen
the video at, watch it now. This is a MUST HAVE for anyone
who stores fuels. Just pour the fuel through Mr. Funnel and it
instantly removes water and debris. There is nothing else like it
on the market. Just pour the contaminated fuel into the filter and
the water-free fuel flows through. Any water that was in the fuel
will stay in the funnel - just dump it out when you've filled your
appliance. To clean, just turn it upside down and whack it onto a
hard surface. Nothing to replace, ever.
I have been using
one of these marvelous MR. Funnel filter funnels
for at least 9 years. This filter funnel will
prevent untold problems with wicks in both heaters
and lamps. Removes 'free' water and dirt from your fuel before it
gets in your tank and wick. Filters water and
solids down to 0.005-in while you refuel. Filter
screen in the funnels is made of stainless steel
coated with Teflon. The funnel and filter are
designed to have the dirt and water that cannot
pass through the filter collected in the bottom
receptacle. No cleaning or replacements needed.
Emulsified Water
The Fuel Filter Funnel by Mr Funnel is a
heavy-duty and fast flow funnel with built-in filter technology.
When fuel is poured through the Fuel Filter Funnel, water and
debris will not pass through the filter’s fluoropolymer-coated
stainless steel filter. Only filtered fuel flows through so your
kerosene is clean and the wick does not get clogged with water or
debris. The sump area collects the deflected water and debris for
proper disposal. This Fuel Filter Funnel by Mr Funnel will filter
water and debris from
diesel, heating oil and kerosene.
I carry only the smallest
Mr. Funnel Water Filter, the F1C model, as this size is
sufficient for filtering
the fuel used in kerosene heaters.
Model: F1NC - Green body
Height: 6"
Diameter: 3.5"
Flow Rate: 2.5 gpm Minimum opening in container: 1
1/8" |
Mr. Funnel Water Filter, $18.95 |
The Mr. Funnel Water Filter
is not designed to be used indoors to pour fuel directly into
a kerosene heater. They are used outdoors and fit small
containers with a minimum opening of 1 1/8". I filter
fuel into one
gallon juice containers from larger tanks, then use a
battery powered pump to fill the tanks on heaters.
Emulsified Water - molecular size water particles too fine
to see
Note that this filter is NOT
magic! It collects 'free water' and debris. Free
water is the collection of water molecules in the bottom of
gas cans, tanks, or drums formed when fuel is stored. The RFF
filter will not remove emulsified water.
Emuslfied water can be
removed by adding a little almost pure alcohol to the fuel -
no more than 1/3rd CC, 1/3rd teaspoon, PER GALLON, directly
into the fuel in the heater. Denatured alcohol, pharmacy
alcohol of 91% to 99%, whatever, will absorb its volume in
water, mix it with the fuel and burn it off. Adding more
than 1/3rd cc of alcohol per gallon will raise the flame
temperature: add more and the temperature is raised
sufficiently to begin to melt the fiberglass fibers or burn
cotton fibers in cotton wicks. In other words, if you
have a teaspoon of water in the tank of your heater, you will
need to treat at least three tanks of fuel to absorb that
teaspoon of water. Simple math: 1/3 x 3 = 1.
Methyl, ethyl, isopropyl, it does not matter. What
matters is the PERCENTAGE of alcohol. Rubbing alcohol is
70% - it has already absorbed (been mixed with) 30% water, so
you would not want to, nor could you expect, rubbing alcohol
to absorb very much more water.
Q. How do I clean the funnel?
A. You don't. Since the screen is coated with Teflon, nothing
sticks to the screen. Just turn it upside down and tap it on
the rim. If some particles remain just ignore them because
they won't go through. No chemicals, no brushes, just leave it
Q. Can I buy a new replacement filter?
A. No. We once sold them but realized we were doing our
customers a disservice. They don't wear out so if you bought
one it would be lost long before you needed it. Also, if we
did sell them, they represent the majority of the price of the
whole unit so you might as well buy a new funnel.
Q. How will I know if I have contamination or not?
A. Just tilt the funnel to one side and you will be able to
see water and dirt under the remaining fuel. If you are
experiencing a large amount of water, stop frequently and
empty out the water and resume refueling. It's that simple.
Q. What do I do with the stuff left in the sump at the bottom
of the funnel after refueling?
A. This technology requires the sump to help separate the
contamination from the fuel so it can't be eliminated. You can
pour it back into the gas can you were using or have a
separate container to place it into. When the container gets
full you can run it back through the funnel and you will never
waste a drop of useable fuel.
Mr. Funnel Airfraft RefuelQ. Can I get replacement parts?
A. No. The funnels are self-cleaning and no replacement parts
are needed.
Q. How do I test it?
A. First of all, test the funnel with one cup of water in the
medium funnel and two cups of water in the large funnel. If no
water passes the screen, the screen is working properly.
Although the screen can sometimes catch more water than this,
it is not designed to. Water is almost 25% heavier than some
fuel and this extra weight builds head pressure which can
force the water through the screen. Empty the water as it
collects to avoid problems.
Q. How often do I need to test the funnel?
A. If the funnel has not been in use for 30 days you should
test it with a cup or two of water to be sure it was not
damaged since your last use.
Mr. Funnel Boat Refuel
Q. Will the filter work on mixed fuel with 2-cycle oil in it?
A. Yes, but if your 2-cycle oil has a detergent base the
detergents can break down molecules of water and some water
might pass the screen. Usually only a drop or two but if you
are concerned, filter the fuel a second time because unless
the sump is full of water, it is not possible that any water
passed the filter.
Q. What happens when I use alcohol or fuel additives?
A. Most additives absorb water so add them to your fuel tank
and not to your fuel cans or they will bring water into the
tank with them.
Q. Can I use the funnel on all fuels and do I need to clean it
before I switch?
A. You can use the funnel on all fuels and since the surface
doesn't absorb any fuel there is no need for cleaning.
Q. How long will the filter last?
A. Sorry, but we have no idea. Some units are over 10 years
old and still being used on a weekly basis and work as well as
the first day they were put into service.
Q. What makes this funnel different from other funnels with
screens in them?
A. First of all the filter is vertical and receives has no
pressure on it in relation to a funnel with a horizontal
screen. Horizontal screens are quick to clog and difficult to
clean. Second, a Mr. Funnel Fuel Filter is Teflon coated and
nothing sticks to Teflon, and the screen opening is small
enough to repel the water.
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