Unique Specialty wicks for
19th Century lamps
. .
World's Largest Selection of Wicks!
Wicks for virtually every heater, stove and lamp made since 1850
Kerosene heaters are relatively heavy, and they
do need to be moved around. It's safer to fuel them
on a patio, for example. When burning the wick dry,
again the heater should be moved outdoors to a covered
area that is not drafty, as that process produces
fumes. Sometimes the heater needs to be moved from
one room to another. Why carry the kerosene heater
when a cart can be easily built so they will roll on
are examples of some of the kerosene carts I have
built. The photos below are "thumbnails," and you
can click on them to see the full size

This cart was built
by removing the bed from a small wagon and
replacing it with a sheet of plywood. Molding was
used for the edges. The wagon bed was rusted
out and the wagon discarded, but we retrieved it
from the recycling bin. The wheels needed to
be removed, the axles polished with emery cloth,
then greased. Now it rolls easily.

A view of the cart
from the rear. The bed is 17" by 24" long, and will
hold every kerosene heater I have, but the molding
trim had to be left off the middle of the sides
because the DC-100 is 19" wide, as you can see.
Cost of this cart? Nothing. Scrap wood was
used, and the wagon was free from the "Sanitary

This cart is the
base tank of a shop vac which had been
discarded. I cut off the tank just above the
wheel supports, bolted on a piece of thin plywood,
and 2 rubber snubbers hold the heater securely to
the base.

This cart actually
cost some something - $9.99 on sale from a hardware
store. It is a convertible hand truck/cart,
with a sheet of 5/8" plywood (19 1/2" x 23 3/4")
bolted to the base, with 1" molding on each side.
Here it holds a WC-105 type N. In the summer,
this cart is used for moving honey supers from the
hives to my pickup.

Here is a Heat Mate
HMHR 1101 radiant heater on the wagon. The
wagon was built 24" long to handle any of my
radiant heaters. A Corona SX-2e is only 17"
wide, but a Toyostove RCA-87 is 23" wide. The
Corona SX-2e is 12" deep, the other radiant heaters

This is the base of
a cart I built for the Heat Mate HMHR 1101 and
Corona SX-2E radiant heaters - not for the wider
Toyotomi radiants. I used an old piece of 3/4"
plywood, put on side rails, then caulked
them. Note the block at the end to hold the
rear axle assembly. The inside measurements are
very minimal at 12 1/2" x 21 1/2".

The parts needed for
the rear axle assembly: long 3/8" threaded
rod, connecter nuts, 3/8" to 1/2" bronze sleeve
bearings, 3/8" bronze thrust bearings, 1/2" conduit
clamps (back), and 4 stove bolts for attaching the
front swivel wheel. The wheels (below) were from a
lawn mower, and were salvaged from the a recycle
bin. Very low cost cart!

The rear axle assembly ready for fastening to
the block on the base. After attachment, the cart
can be checked for level, a plywood shim added to
the block if necessary, then the axle cleaned and

Bottom of the cart,
with wheels attached. The conduit clamps fit
over the connecter nuts and hold the axle
securely. Now it can be removed and
painted. I used a blue "non marking" caster
wheel deliberately.

The finished cart,
holding a Corona SX-2E radiant heater. This
cart is the absolute minimum size (12 1/2 x 21
1/2") to hold a Corona or Heat Mate radiant with
the bail removed. The narrow width make the cart a
little tippy, but it will only be used indoors on
level floors. The caulked molding edges ensure that
any fuel spills will be contained in the cart and
can easily be cleaned up.


Jim McFarland saw
this cart page and came up with his own idea (OK,
his wife did.). He bolted 2" caster wheels
directly to the base of his Dyna-Glo kerosene
heater! Very clever. Jim's kerosene
heater pulls easily over carpets with the 2" wide
caster wheels.
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Heater Information below
Lamp Wicks:
Center Draft Wicks - Wicks
available only from this Wick Shop.
Flat lamp wicks
Aladdin Lamp Wicks
& parts
Lamp Chimneys:
Center Draft Lamp
chimneys from "Tiny" Junior to Mammoth lamps.
Fabulous "Sans Rival"
borosilicate chimney for 14''' Kosmos lamps
Student Lamp Sans Rival Chimney with
1 7/8" fitter!!!
Standard glass lamp chimneys
Sonnenbrenner Lamp Chimneys
Information on lamps:
Center Draft Kerosene Lamps
(Photos, information and history, etc)
Photos of
restored center draft lamps
Care, Feeding and Restoration of Center Draft
(and wick
installation for many)
Center Draft
Lamp manufacturers and brand names
Lamp Chimneys
- Dimension of
nominal base diameter by make, model and "line".
Early American Metal Font & Specialty Lamps
Aladdin Lamp History
Aladdin Lamp Wicks & Chimneys,
Aladdin - Exploded burner views
Kosmos-Brenner lamps
and wicks
Flame Spreaders and
from Alex
- Vulcan, Imperial, Veritas,
Belgian, Hinks, Messenger's, Young's Court, etc.
Articles by Alex Marrack:
Home Page
Site Index
Site Index for all things Perfection
Kindler Wicking For Oil Stoves & Ranges
Kerosene Heaters
Alphabetical list of most kerosene heaters and the proper wick,
& cart checkout.
List by wick number and the heaters that fit them. (A
helpful guide for buying on eBay)
Measurements needed if you have an unlisted heater.
Care and Maintenance of Kerosene Heater Wicks
Installing Kerosene Heater Wicks - generic for unpinned
Owner's_Manuals & information for many kerosene heaters
Heaters - General types, how they work, recommendations
for some good ones - and those I would avoid.
Economic Benefits of
Kerosene Heaters
Heater Safety
Troubleshooting kerosene heater common problems
In New Kerosene Appliances
Kerosene Heaters at Night
WATER IN KEROSENE causing "dwindling" and poor
Flame Spreader Heaters
and Lamps - A Century of Excellence
Kerosene Heater Carts
- why carry your heater around?
Kerosene Fuel Primer
Smelling Kerosene
Kerosene tank cradles
Building a Cradle
Beatrice Boiling Stoves & Mini kerosene heaters
you can make
Sad Iron stoves; Wicks &
Installation instructions
Wicking For Oil
Burning "WICKLESS" Stoves & Ranges
Photo Album
Photos of
Mail Order
Kerosene Stoves, Lanterns and Ovens
Kerosene Stoves -
Recommendations on different models
Stove Maintenance and Storage
Butterfly A-822, 22 wick, all-aluminum
premium stove.
Butterfly #2487, 16 wick stove.
Butterfly #2412 Pressure
instructions for virtually any pressure stove.
Butterfly #2418
Double Burner Stove;
good with any gravity flow stove.
Butterfly #2421
Oven for Kerosene Stoves
Butterfly #2641, 10 Wick Stove
the least expensive emergency stove.
Butterfly #2698 Cook Stove -
THE Best Heavy Duty Cook Stove. Butterfly
#828R Pressure Lantern;
same for most pressure lanterns.
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