. .
World's Largest Selection of Wicks!
Wicks for virtually every heater, stove and lamp made since 1850
New neoVulcan 20''' Matador
Chimney Also for 20''' Agni Lamps
Wicks for 20'''
L&B and W&W Agni
Wicks for other 20''' Matador lamps
The Greatest Advance in Matador Chimneys in 120
The basic shape of a 20''' Matador chimney has
not changed in well over a century. The lamps burn okay but
their full potential is not even approached. This new
chimney make a common 20''' Matador lamp into a ''White Light''
lamp with brilliant, white reading light. Gone is the pale
yellow flame produced by a chimney of standard shape.
Remember that light IS heat, so these chimneys do burn hotter than
a regular bulge Matador chimney to attain the ''White Light."
My chimneys work best on metal font 20''' Matador lamps made prior
to WW I, and care must be taken with DHR
burners on glass fonts because the DHR flame spreader sits
lower than all other 20''' Matador lamps and the burner design is
not as refined as lamps from German, Belgium and UK manufacturers.
(See comments from users.)
I designed this chimney using the Vulcan
patented by
Emil Wild on August 19, 1884. The flame is absolutely
stable even at a
full curl. The lamp can burn for hours with nary a flicker in
the flame. This is achieved by molding the shape of the flame and
draft around the wick to achieve maximum combustion - and the
result is not just a stable, beautiful white light but also a very
clean burn with no aroma even when burning common kerosene. The
tulip shape of the chimney bulb releases the heat at exactly the
correct rate to control the flame and the chimney remains clean
through repeated burning. Click photo at right to
enlarge it.
See the flame in 5 different lamps, below.
20''` neoVulcan Matador
& 20''' W&W Agni, Borosilicate glass.
2.465" slip, 12" tall. 1.25"
(31.75mm) height from base to the center of pinch. $54.95
$59.95 |
(Note! If the Add-to-Cart button above
does not work for you please
send me an email and I can then send you an invoice via email
for the chimney. Very sorry for the inconvenience.)
Click on the photos to enlarge them.
New neoVulcan chimney compared
to common 20''' replacement chimney. * |
Alex Marrack provided the
photograph above and noted that the only ''true'' 20'''
Matador chimney was the one on the left above. Note the
distance from the base to the bulge is much shorter than the
chimneys on the right. |
20''' Matador chimneys commonly available since
WW II were actually copies of the Veritas or Belge chimneys,
NOT the wide bulge E&G chimney. The original E&G
chimneys with a 91mm bulge burned very well with a wide flame
front but are very scarce. My
neoVulcan chimney achieves ''white light'' status by
controlling the flame into a tight, hot, intense ball. |
20''' W&W Agni burning at 1/2
curl. |
20''' DHR Matador burning at
full curl. |
20''' Hugo Schneider Matador at
full curl. |
20''' L&B Matador at full curl. |
20''' SI Gladiator at full
curl. |
* A true ''extreme
bulge'' E&G Matador chimney has a 91mm bulge but are very rare.
Flame Spreader position
It is impossible to
have measured all of the 20''' Matador lamps made in the past
120 years, but all of the ones I have measured indicate the
flame spreader disk is about 1 3/4'' above the base of the
chimney seat, as shown at left. I designed this chimney
to fit a minimum disk height of 1.562" (20''' Agni) and
maximum disk width of 1.504" (L&B). The dimensions of
other 20''' Matador flame spreaders is listed below.
Flame spreaders of these
dimensions will fit through the pinch and be high enough in
the chimney bulb to produce a beautiful, controlled curled
flame. |
Agni showing flame spreader
height above chimney pinch. |
The flame spreader should be 1
3/4'' (44.45mm) above the chimney seat. |
(NOTE: Those who have a
20''' Agni lamp with a missing flame spreader can purchase the
taller 18''' Vulcan flame spreader from
Alex Marrack and use the
18''' Vulcan chimney.
Those using DHR burners should read comments
from users.). NOTE #2). These 20''' European burners will
not fit American collar sizes 1, 2 or 3; they require a European
Duplex" style, threaded collar: Outside thread diameter =
1-11/16" (40mm); Overall diameter 2-7/8" (70mm).
AND 20''' LAMPS (Below)
Wicks for other 20''' Matador lamps
20''' Matador lamps have large wick gaps as
they were designed to utilize thick, relatively soft wicks and
burn better with a thick, soft wick. Common Kosmos wicks are a
hard weave and thin to facilitate easier installation. A thin
wick will leave a gap beside the wick through which fuel vapor can
escape and disrupt the steadiness of the flame. There are no
factory-made thick 20''' wicks, but I can make them using quality
wick material made for use in 20''' center draft lamps.
NOTE: These thick wicks are only
required by those who want to burn their lamp at full throttle,
which is not necessary. The
3 5/8''
x 8", 0.92'' thick wick will burn just fine and the lamp
will be beautiful indeed wearing this beautiful chimney. The
thinner 0.076" thick wick is not recommended for these lamps when
using the neoVulcan chimney.
3 5/8'' (92mm) wide, 0.108" thick for
20''' DHR & L&B Matador lamps and many other 20''' Matador lamps using my new neoVulcan chimney. |
$12.95 |
3 5/8'' (94mm) wide, 0.108" thick for W&W 20''' Agni lamp
using my new neoVulcan chimney. |
$12.95 |
Measurements of Various 20''' Matador burners
Lamp |
Draft tube |
Outer tube |
Height of disk above chimney
seat |
Diameter of disk |
SE Gladiator Soc.ind.d`article
0.829 " 21.06 mm
1.200 " 30.50 mm
1.750" |
1.447" |
0.823" 20.92 mm
1.262" 32.06 mm
1.49" |
1.396" |
L&B |
0.840" 21.34 mm
1.222" 31.04 mm
1.625" |
1.504" |
W&W Agni |
0.913" 23.21 mm
1.332" 33.85 mm
1.562" |
1.396" |
HS |
0.839" 21.31 mm
1.208" 30.68 mm
1.750" |
1.441" |
This chimney is not for the
20''' Ideal Brenner lamp made by made by Bröckelmann, Jaeger &
Busse, Neheim, Germany; the height of the disk above the
chimney seat is too narrow and that causes the burner and font
to overheat. Wick knob of this lamp >>>
(Photo of the Bröckelman
click here,
photo of beautiful lamp,
click here.) |
As shown above, the W&W 20''' Agni has the widest wick gap and
requires the thickest - and widest - wick. The other 20''' Matador lamps
use a slightly thinner wick but one that is still thicker than a
common 0.076" thick Kosmos wick.
Many of the 20''' Matador lamps are well over a
century old and the gearing mechanism can be worn, resulting in
the wick rising unevenly. To correct that the top 1/2'' of
the wick can be sewn together as shown below.
The photo at left shows the
well-worn Gladiator burner could not raise the wick uniformly.
The top 1/2'' was sewn as shown, then the wick was trimmed and
burned level to achieve a smooth, even top surface. Because the
inner draft tube is tapered, the wick can be sewn together no lower
than 1/2'' from the top of the wick. |
Feeding a thick wick from the
bottom of a 20''' Matador burner can be a challenge. Making a
tape extension as shown at right makes the process much easier.
The tape is pushed up through the wick gap, then the wick gently
pulled up through the gearing. |
~~~~~~ Feb. 22, 2021
Yes I have found burning the DHR especially with your Neo
Vulcan that the flame spreader does sit a bit low in the bulge but
I have found that by raising the flame spreader tube up by about 5
mm (0.19'') it really helps and brings the height up into the ball
park of L&B and Agni flame spreader heights. This makes a marked
difference to the flame brightness and ability to crank up to a
full curl. Phil in OZ
I modified an Aladdin font to allow a 39.5mm threaded
burner to be mounted on it. It's been an interesting
experiment. Here are some pictures with a
DHR burner with your NeoVulcan chimney mounted on an Aladdin font.
I compared the light output to the Gaudard 20"'.
The difference in light output is significant to say the least.
Your NeoVulcan chimney on the DHR burner wins
hands down.
I placed an order for more wicks, a NeoVulcan
chimney and another Sans Rival chimney. Your chimneys work great!
J. Plyant, California
Followup from J. Plyant, August 19, 2016
Hi again Miles
I thought I'd update you on the hybrid Matador burner-Aladdin font
testing per my earlier emails. All my testing uses your NeoVulcan
chimney, which it truly excellent.
It is possible to combine the Aladdin glass font (with the
advantages of being able to see the kerosene level and having a
separate filler cap) with a 20"' Matador style burner. This gets rid
of the fussy and expensive Aladdin mantle burner, and replaces it
with a more robust 20"' Matador burner.In addition, I've tested
both the DHR and Hugo Schneider 20"' burners and both appear to work
fine. The heat build up in the threaded brass collar appears to be
reasonable too. No more than the standard brass fonts.
Next I thought I'd work on the aesthetics. I added a gas shade ring
and Vianne shade to spruce it up a bit. I'm still working on it, but
here is what I have so far.
I hope you enjoy the update and pictures.
Best regards, Jim Pylant
From: D. Mcginnis
Hi from Kansas city Kansas
I have used your new chimney while burning a DHR ideal Brenner
with a 3 5/8 inch wick for quite some time now I can say it
draws and burns hotter then with the old style Den Haan style
glass the lamp with this setup lights up my entire living area
so bright that you can read a book anywhere within a 15 foot
radius of the lamp I use plain old kerosene in this and have
had excellent results the font is a vintage Kastrup
Holmegaard glass in cobalt blue we have came so far away
from using fire as a illumination tool in modern society that
the art of the oil lamp is long dead and gone.
Jack T. from Florida also reported that his DHR burner with a
NeoVulcan chimney burned hot, in his case too hot for comfort.
As I noted above, the DHR has the lowest height from draft
tube to flame spreader. No other 20''' Matador chimney
customers using other burners have reported anything but great
success. |
FROM CHRIS IN WALES, UK, Sept. 30, 2019
Hi Miles
Received the chimneys today and all arrived safe and
I have lit both Neo Vulcan 20 matador and Sans Rival 14
and the light they give out is far superior to the original chimneys
previously used.
Let me thank you for your exceptional service and your
superb website.
I look forward to doing business with you in the
Many thanks
Best regards
Wales UK |
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Lamp Chimneys:
Center Draft Lamp
chimneys in borosilicate glass
from Junior "Tiny" to Mammoth lamps.
2 5/8",
3 1/8",
neoVulcan 20''' Matador Chimney
Standard glass lamp chimneys
& Kosmos chimneys
Globe Vulcan (Central Vulcan) Chimneys -
24''' &
Fabulous "Sans Rival"
borosilicate chimney for 14''' Kosmos lamps
Student Lamp Sans Rival Chimney with
1 7/8" fitter!!!
Lamp chimneys
Sonnenbrenner Lamp Chimneys
Lamp Chimneys
- Dimension of
nominal base diameter by make, model and "line".
Information on lamps:
Aladdin Lamp History
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Aladdin - Exploded burner views
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Flame Spreaders and
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helpful guide for buying on eBay)
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Care and Maintenance of Kerosene Heater Wicks
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WATER IN KEROSENE causing "dwindling" and poor
Flame Spreader Heaters
and Lamps - A Century of Excellence
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Stove Maintenance and Storage
Butterfly A-822, 22 wick, all-aluminum
premium stove.
Butterfly #2487, 16 wick stove.
Butterfly #2412 Pressure
instructions for virtually any pressure stove.
Butterfly #2418
Double Burner Stove;
good with any gravity flow stove.
Butterfly #2421
Oven for Kerosene Stoves
Butterfly #2641, 10 Wick Stove
the least expensive emergency stove.
Butterfly #2698 Cook Stove -
THE Best Heavy Duty Cook Stove. Butterfly
#828R Pressure Lantern;
same for most pressure lanterns.
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