World's Largest Selection of Wicks!
      Wicks for virtually every heater, stove and lamp made since 1850

Glass Lamp Chimneys

Listed by smallest base diameter first


These are standard dimension chimneys of high quality
with flame cut ends and made from borosilicate glass 

Chimneys on this page:
Small chimneys
, Kosmos chimneys, Student Lamp Chimney,
Center Draft Lamp Chimneys,
Little Jewel, Little Prince, Little Royal, etc; "0" Size,
Miller #1
, 2_3/8'', 2 1/2'', 2_5/8'', 3'' and 4''),  
British Duplex Chimneys,
Den Haan Trawler chimney
, Aladdin Lamp chimneys
3" base chimneys for typical flat wick lamps,
Angle Lamp top
Store Lamp Chimney

Specialty & Rare Chimneys
Sans Rival Design Chimneys, click here
Sonnenbrenner Lamp Chimneys, click here

neoVulcan 20''' Matador Chimney
Student Lamp Chimneys, click here
Premium, hand crafted Center Draft Chimneys, click here
Lip Fitter Chimneys

Fitting Chimneys To YOUR lamp

Precise measurements of the chimneys listed below, click here.
Center draft chimney dimensions from 1901 Macbeth catalog, click here.
Chimneys by size and the center draft lamps they fit. Large pdf file.

How to Identify Center Draft and Kosmos Lamps


Wicks for kerosene space heaters, click here.

KOSMOS-BRENNER LAMPS - History, photos of lamps. Click here.

Higher amounts and limits per order, click here.







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Nutmeg chimney, 1 1/8'' x 5 1/2'' .  Nice cut ends, well polished glass. Nice chimney. #01 Fits 00 Nutmeg and Baby Rochester center draft lamp.


Pigeon chimney, 33mm (1.299" x 3.625") for French Pigeon hand lamps and "Pixie" lamps. See the lamp with chimney fitted. Base diameter just over 1 1/4'', fits many nightlights.


Pixie chimney, 1 1/4'' x 2 3/4'' (31.75mm). Thick borosilicate glass. Much better chimney design than traditional Pigeon above; I use it on French Pigeon hand lamps. #11  Fits Pixie and Pigeon lamps and  some nightlights with cleaner burning design.


1.37" base diameter (1 516"), 6 3/4'' height, Bombe style with 2.47" bulge chimney Fits some odd Kosmos burners and reputedly Deitz Convex burners



"Little" chimneys made from borosilicate glass. 1.445" x 8''.  For the Bijou, Little Jewel, Little Prince, Little Royal, Young America. 3.0''" BULGE    #16

fits Gem Arctic and #0 Hornet, Little Miller/Juno, Tiny B&H, mostly finger lamps


Junior / "0" size chimney
1.55" x 8 1/2

Commercial grade.

Smooth borosilicate glass with polished ends.   #10

B&H No. 0, Juno No. 0, Miller No. 0, Rochester Jr. or No. 0

Measure first if you can!


Premium Grade "Little" and "0" size chimneys available at this link (click)

Gem Lotus, 1 5/8'' x  5"; Cute little chimney for some lamps using 1/4'' and 3/8'' wide wicks.  Fits various small decorative lamps such as the Gem Pine, Gem Lotus, Gem Arctic and #1 Hornet


KOSMOS_LAMP CHIMNEYS (Sizing information, click here)

6''' Kosmos chimney 1.360" base, 8 1/4" tall.  Borosilicate glass, very smooth, flame-cut ends which virtuallly eliminates any ''flea bites.''  #14 Standard Kosmos 6''' lamps


8''' Kosmos chimney 1.480" base, 9 1/4" tall.   Borosilicate glass, very smooth, flame-cut ends which virtually eliminates any ''flea bites.''  #05 Standard Kosmos 8''' lamps


Special Sans Rival for 8''' French Garden Lamps, also excellent for 8''' Kosmos burners in a marine cabinet. 1.41'' base x 6.5" tall.. These carefully annealed, hand-blown 8''' Sans Rival chimneys are the answer to this obscure problem.  CLICK > (A French Garden Lamp with Punkah top.) (More French Garden Lamp photos)  (The short 8''' Sans dimensions compared with a 10''' Sans Rival full length.)  $54.95


Sans Rival chimney for 10''' Kosmos lamps!!!  More info click here

<<<Click to enlarge


12''' Sans Rival chimneys are here (click)



12''' Sans Rival chimney, 1.730'' base diameter, 10 3/16" tall. NEW, just arrived!. Burn perfectly clean and without any aroma, these chimneys are made to my exact specifications. Hoyt lamp & 12''' Kosmos lamps.  $59.95  OUT OF STOCK



14''' Kosmos chimney, 2.08" to 2.10'' max x 10 1/4''; Typical ''pinched'' waist Kosmos chimney, as are those above.The most common size of Kosmos chimney. Fits Wild & Wessel, L&B, Brokelmann, Jaeger & Busse #14 Kosmos, Gaudard (France), Weems & Plath (DHR) and virtually all 14''' Kosmos Brenner lamps. #21 Standard configuration. Fits virtually all 14''' Kosmos table and wall lamps.


Premium Custom Sans Rival 14''' Kosmos chimney, 2.031" base diameter, 10 3/4" tall, a rare, beautiful hand-made chimney made exclusively for me from thick, pure borosilicate glass.  Doubles the light output and burns perfectly clean. For much more information and comparisons, click here$59.95   IN STOCK

14''' Matador chimney, 1.810'' base diameter, 9 1/2'' tall. NEW, a copy of an original 14'’‘ Hugo Schneider Matador chimney Perfect for early 14''' Matador burners and for the odd 14''' Orion burners used on many British lamps such as the Veritas "The Reader," Hinks Coronation Hand Lamp and Others (Complete list) Click here


Sans Rival Chimney for the Large Manhattan Student Lamp!!!  2.34'' base, 10 1/2" tall.  More info, click hereIN STOCK hand made from borosilicate glass to my specifications


15''` Matador SHORT
Bohemian Glass, made in CZ
2.068" slip, 8 1/4" tall
1.2" to bulge, bulge 2.945" wide

Handy short chimney for finger lamps or 15''' Matador burners in marine design bracket lamps.
#15 line Kosmos lamps with flame spreaders. Short chimney for use in hanging and bracket lamps.


15'' Matador, 2.14'' x 10 1/4'' slightly oversize base, measure first - standard bulge shape Matador chimney. BOROSILICATE GLASS with flame-cut ends - very high quality chimney but may not fit all lamps.  #27 Kosmos lamps using a 2 9/16'' wide wick and having a flame spreader.


20''' Neo-Vulcan Matador chimney, 2.470" - 2.485" fitter (tapered), 10.5" tall, Borosilicate glass made in USA to my specifications.  For more details click here.   IN STOCK

Custom, hand made premium chimney of my design for 20''' Kosmos Matador lamps.  Clean burning and greatly increases light output. (Limit two chimneys per order/per package.)


Maximum of three chimneys per order for the chimneys listed above
to avoid breakage in transit.


1 7/8'' Student Lamp Chimney, traditional design, 1 7/8'' x 10 1/2'' - borosilicate glass!  This chimney is virtually identical to the chimney on my Wild & Wessel ''Harvard'' Student Lamp chimney.  Click for photo.  The W&W "Harvard'' patent of June, 1879 did not include a patent for the chimney as this chimney had been in use on Kleeman and other student lamps for almost two decades by 1879.  Fits most student lamps such as Manhattan, Kleeman.  #26


1 7/8'' Student Lamp Chimney, Sans Rival design, 1.888" base diameter, 10 3/4" tall - Borosilicate glass, made in the USA from a mold I designed from a modified original German 14''' Sans Rival chimney from the early 1900's. More information, click here.  $46.95




Premium Sans Rival Chimney for the Large Manhattan Student Lamp!!!  2.34'' base, 10 1/2" tall, hand made from borosilicate glass, designed to burn perfectly clean.  $49.95   More info  Click here.




Custom, hand-made "Little" chimneys made from thick borosilicate glass, copy of the famous Macbeth 2 1/2 chimney.  1.445" fitter. For the Bijou, Little Jewel, Little Prince, Little Royal, Young America.  (No commercial grade chimneys in this size)  More information, click For the Bijou, Little Jewel, Little Prince, Little Royal, Young America. $44.95

"Little" chimneys 1.445" fitter. For the Bijou, Little Jewel, Little Prince, Little Royal, Young America.    7916

LARGE Vienna 2.877" BULGE
Commercial grade. Smooth borosilicate glass with polished ends.  #16

For the Bijou, Little Jewel, Little Prince, Little Royal, Young America, etc


"LITTLE" CHIMNEY VERSUS MILLER ''0'' SIZE -  (How to measure) There is only 0.10" difference in base diameter between the "Little" chimney and the "Miller 0" size chimney, but they are not interchangeable! The inner diameter of the chimney base is critical as it has to fit over the "blaze cone" around the wick and fit within the base of the chimney fingers with sufficient room for expansion as the glass heats during the burning of the lamp.
See lamps using "0" size chimney:  Miller "0" Chimney, duplicate of the original Macbeth #4;  See Tiny Miller, Tiny B&H; Tiny Juno, Miller Finger lamp; Tiny Miller 0 Table lamp; Tiny Miller Hanging lamp, Miller Home Lamp

Junior / "0" size chimney
1.55" x 8 1/4''


Commercial grade.

Smooth borosilicate glass with polished ends.  #10

For the more common Little Miller/Juno, Tiny B&H #0, Little Trenton, Little Wizzard, Meriden "O", Victor "0" & other finger lamps.


Custom, hand-made Miller "O" chimneys made from thick borosilicate glass  1.55" base x 7'' tall.  Exact copy of the Macbeth #4. (More information, click here.) For the more common Little Miller/Juno, Tiny B&H #0, Little Trenton, Little Wizzard, Meriden "O", Victor "0" & other finger lamps.


Larger Center Draft Lamps

1.880" x 10", Belge Olga chimney, flint glass made in Czech Republic.  Fits quite a few European ''1 1/2'' size center draft lamps and some rare Kosmos Matador 12''' lamps. Fits Veritas Reading Lamp, Hinks Coronation Hand Lamp (on far left), Silber burner for example. Alternative chimney below is vastly better but smaller base diameter. Fits some odd British and German lamps mainly for carrying and reading and New Darling by Bristol Glass. How to measure for the base diameter, click here.

$16 .95

14''' Matador chimney, 1.810'' base diameter, 9 1/2'' tall. NEW, a copy of an original 14'’‘ Hugo Schneider Matador chimney in thick borosilicate glass. Fits same range of lamps as Belge Olga listed above. (More Info >) NEW!!!
Fits Veritas Reading Lamp, Hinks Coronation Hand Lamp, Silber burner for example.


 Miller #1, P&A Royal #1, B&H Junior #1 and Rayo Jr. Lamps chimneys

#1 Center Draft lamps, 2.11'' x 8.25' tall', 3'' bulge  Borosilicate glass, very smooth, with flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.''  Commercial grade.  #28

Juno #1; No 1 Rochester, No. 1 Trenton, Miller's Vestal #1, No. 1 junior Royal; B&H No. 1 Junior, P&A Royal #1 Finger Lamp & #0 size Eagle burner; 15''' Kosmos Matador; Otto Muller lamp


Success - SMALL BASE
2_3/8'' x 12 1/4'', small base chimney for early Success lamps,  Miller Liberty & Dresden, Radiant No.4, P&A Banner #1. Borosilicate glass, very smooth, with flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.''  #57
Early Success lamps (Early burner knobs not marked and font burner threads have a narrow top above threads.) (Limit three chimneys per order/per package.)


2_1/2'' base chimneys

2 1/2" x 12'' Chimney for #2 Center Draft Lamps - Success LATER MODELS); some P&A Royal, B&H (measure first), also fits European 20''' lamps using a 64 - 65mm base chimney (Hinks, Veritas, L&B Belgian, etc):  2.54" base. Bulge 3.50'' diameter.  #34 (Later model Success burners have flat topped area above recessed threads and burner knob marked "Success" and use a 2 1/2'' base chimney.) (Limit three chimneys per order/per package.) $19.95

2 1/2" Chimney for #2 Center Draft Lamps - Success LATER MODELS); Miller Liberty & Dresden, Radiant No. 4, P&A Banner #1; some P&A Royal, B&H (measure first), also fits European 20''' lamps using a 63.5mm (2 1/2") base chimney (Hinks, Veritas, L&B Belgian, etc):  2.485" base. Success LATER MODELS; Miller Liberty & Dresden, Radiant No. 4, P&A Banner #1; some P&A Royal, B&H (measure first), also fits European 20''' lamps using a 63.5mm (2 1/2") base chimney (Hinks, Veritas, L&B Belgian, etc): Listed on my Custom chimney page.

2 1/2" base, 12" tall, for ball & globe shades including GWTW styles. Premium Custom chimney made from my mold to my specifications by a USA maker of laboratory glass such as beakers, retorts, etc.  The finest quality thick borosilicate glass. Fits: Argand center draft, 60 c.p. Granville Belge, 12 p. Mitraileuse, 50 c.p. Belge, 2 Silber, 54 c.p. Annular, 45 c.p. Hinks, Nusunlite, Duplex, Comet or Tram.  All 20 '''  Wizard, Ariel, Juno, Hesper, National, Venus, Blitz, Imperial, Plumwood #2, Premier, Clarissa, Matador, Cilaxo, Helios, Sunrise, Marvel, Sunbeam, Triumph, Daylight, English Sun, Sun Pine, Odin, some Rayo, Rayo 22, B & H, and Young's Court 20'''. (measure first). Listed on my Custom chimney page.

 Den_Haan Trawler chimney
2.50' to 2.55"' x 8 3/8'' Den_Haan Trawler chimney.
Proper Matador bulge of 3 9/16'' diameter.  Fits Den Haan Trawler Lamp:
Fits Den Haan Trawler #2801/0 and companion lamp #818 and other 14''' Matador burners in marine fittings requiring a short chimney.  #74


No longer available.

British Duplex Chimney

2 9/16'' x 10'' OVAL BULGE for Brit Duplex lamps. 3'' x 3 1/2'' bulge. Borosilicate glass.  Correct base diameter of 2.554''.  Flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.''  High quality chimney. #38 British Duplex chimney in the proper oval shape

(Limit three chimneys per order/per package for safe delivery.)


2 9/16'' x 10'' ROUND BULGE for Brit Duplex lamps.  2.585'' base diameter, 3 1/2'' round bulge.  Flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.''  High quality chimney. #38R Also fits some pre-1900 American lamps listed as requiring 2 5/8'' base chimneys. (Limit three chimneys per order/per package.) How to measure, click here.


2 9/16'' x 12'' ROUND BULGE for Brit Duplex lamps.  2.585'' base diameter, 3 1/2'' round bulge.  Flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.''  High quality chimney. #34 Also fits some pre-1900 American lamps listed as requiring 2 5/8'' base chimneys. (Limit three chimneys per order/per package.) How to measure, click here.


Standard Shape 2_5/8'' Chimneys (actually 2 9/16'')

2 9/16' x 10'',( 2.58" - 2.60'' slip fit) base) center draft lamp chimney. 3 .55'' bulge. Rayo OEM chimneys had a 3 5/8'' bulge (3.625"). Borosilicate glass, very smooth, with flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.''  (Instructions for fitting chimneys to your lamp, click here.) #42 Fits Royal #2, Rayo, B&H, Miller #2, New Juno, Fostoria #2, Rochester #2, Union #2, Handlan-Buck #30 Caboose, Messenger's 54 cp. (Limit three chimneys per order/per package.)


2 9/16" x 11 5/8'' ( 2.58" - 2.60'' slip fit) center draft lamp chimney. 3.45'' diameter bulge.  Correct height for dome shades.  Borosilicate glass, very smooth, with flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.''  (Instructions for fitting chimneys to your lamp, click here.)  #69 Fits Rayo, P&A and many other center draft lamps with ball shades. (Limit three chimneys per order/per package.)


2 9/16'' x 14'' ( 2.58" - 2.60'' slip fit) center draft lamps. Fits GWTW lamps as listed above for 2 5/8'' fitter chimneys with a 10'' ball shade. 3.45'' diameter bulge. Borosilicate glass, very smooth, with flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.''  (Instructions for fitting chimneys to your lamp, click here.) #60 Same as above but better for use at altitude above 4,000 feet or with a large 10'' ball shade; Famos 120, Wonderlite and Superspeed,  (Limit two chimneys per order/per package.)


Premium, Custom made 2 5/8'' Borosilicate chimneys, click here


FOR ALADDIN  twist Locks-0n NOT Aladdin brand; 2 5/8'' x 12 1/2'', thicker, stronger and less expensive.  Borosilicate glass, very smooth, with flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.''  NOT Aladdin brand  - BETTER!!!   #51

FITS ALADDIN Models A, B, C, 12, 14, 21, & 23  galleries.

(Limit four chimneys per order/per package.)


FOR ALADDIN  slip-fit HEEL-LESS.   Not Aladdin brand; 2 5/8'' x 12 1/2'', thicker, stronger and less expensive.  Borosilicate glass, very smooth, with flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.''  NOT Aladdin brand - BETTER!  #48 For Aladdin brand lamp burners models 3 thru 11.

(Limit four chimneys per order/per package.)



Maximum of three chimneys per order for the chimneys listed above
unless otherwise noted in the lamp description

3" Base diameter for Common Flat Wick Lamps

3" X 8 1/2" chimney with 4" bulge. This is the usual size chimney for Lamplighter Farms and other flat wick lamps which require a 3'' base chimney. The 4'' bulge WILL NOT FIT through the bottom of a ball shade. #32 3" base for lamps such as Lamp-lighter Farms and #2 Queen Anne burners (Limit two chimneys per order/per package.)



3" x 10'' SLIM BULGE chimney with 3 5/8'' bulge.
Borosilicate glass, very smooth, with flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.'' This is the best chimney if you have a BALL SHADE. (Limit two chimneys per order/per package.)  #46
Slim bulge to fit through the base of most ball shades made for flat wick burner lamps using a 3/4'', 7/8'' or 1'' flat wick; Imitation GWTW lamps.


3" x 10'' chimney with 4'' bulge.. Borosilicate glass, very smooth, with flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.'' The 4'' bulge WILL NOT FIT through the bottom of a ball shade. (Limit two chimneys per order/per package.)  #44 3" base for flat wick lamps such as #2 Queen Anne burners.


4'' x 12'' Store Lamp chimney

4'' x 12'' FROSTED Store Lamp chimney, 5'' bulge. 3/4 frosted.  Borosilicate glass, very smooth, with flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.''  High quality, very smooth glass that stays clean for a long time.
Fits Rochester #3, B&H #92, 95 & 96, Miller #3, Juno #3, #3 Banner & other Standard store lamps.)  #81
For center draft store lamps

(Not for Mammoth lamps requiring a 4 1/2'' base, wasp-waist chimney.)


 Maximum one chimney per order for safe, undamaged delivery.

4'' x 12'' Store Lamp chimney, 5'' bulge. Borosilicate glass, very smooth, with flame cut ends that virtually eliminate end ''flaking'' or ''flea bites.''  High quality, very smooth glass that stays clean for a long time.
Fits Rochester #3, B&H #92, 95 & 96, Miller #3, Juno #3, #3 Banner & other Standard store lamps, Empress #3.) #80
For center draft store lamps

(Not for Mammoth lamps requiring a 4 1/2'' base, wasp-waist chimney.)


 Maximum one chimney per order.

Premium, custom made 4" store lamp and 4 1/2'' base Mammoth lamp chimneys are available on my Premium chimney page.  To see more details, click here. Chimneys below limit one per order per box.

PREMIUM, CUSTOM-MADE Store Lamp Borosilicate Glass Chimney - 4":  Fits Rochester Lamp Co #3, Bradley & Hubbard #92, 95 & 96, Miller #3, Juno #3, #3 Banner and Standard store lamps. More information, click here    Limit 1 per order per box.


CUSTOM Belgian/Dresden/Radiant 5/Plumwood #3 chimney  2 15/16" (2.990") fitter, 12 ˝" tall  (More info, click here)


CUSTOM 30''' Veritas Chimney (also for British Tri-plex lamps)  Base fitter diameter: 3.155"    (More info, click here)



 PREMIUM, CUSTOM-MADE 4 1/2'' base Mammoth lamp chimney. For B&H 89, Globe Incandescent #2, Pittsburgh Mammoth.  More info, click here    Limit 1 per order per box.


Angle Lamp Opal Chimney Top. Thick glass, very smooth, ground top and bottom.  Good for use in high traffic areas where breakage of an expensive chimney could make you cry. 

Angle Lamps

Made in the 1980's by the last USA maker of Angle Lamp chimneys.


Limit one chimney per box.

LIP_FITTER_CHIMNEYS  (These chimneys are measured by the width of the flanged base. 
They are designed to fit into the base of short chimney fingers;  the chimney
fingers on the lamp must be measured from the INSIDE, BOTTOM of the fingers.
The lip fitting base was designed for hinge burners where the gallery flips up to light the wick.  PLEASE MEASURE THE BOTTOM DIAMETER (width) OF THE CHIMNEY FITTING FLANGE PRIOR TO ORDERING THESE CHIMNEYS.

2 inch lip fitter by 5 3/8 inch height and 3 3/16 inch bulge, clear chimney. Fits Den Hann Gimbal #8917/0 and Cuddy #8208, Dual, and some other #2 Hinge burners and Marine Lamps and Lanterns. #961

Fit base flange width 2.00" to 2.042".


2 3/8 inch by 8 1/4 inch height and 3 1/2 inch bulge, Lip Fitter Clear Glass Chimney. Fits P&A, Miller, and other #1 Hinge burners (Including Miller#1 Non-Explosive lamp). {From Macbeth catalog #87, fits: Excelsior No 1; Regulator No 1; Library No 1; Sun Hinge No 1.} #801

Click on any photo at left to enlarge the photo.

Fit base flange width 2.30" to 2.36''.


Back in stock!

2 5/8 inch by 8 1/16 inch height with 3 1/2 inch bulge, clear chimney. Fits Miller, P&A, and other #2 hinge burners. {From Macbeth catalog #87, fits: Excelsior No 2; Regulator No 2; Favorite No 2; Sun Hinge No 2; Library No 2; Unique No 2.} Unique Lip Fitter Chimney allows it to lock onto burner. #802

Fit base flange width 2.55" to 2.581".


Back in stock!



US POSTAGE RATES:  $1.00 to $9.00 = $4.95;  $9.01 - $29.00 = $5.95; $29.01 - $39.00 = $7.95; $39.01 - $59.00 = $10.95;  $59.01 up - $14.95 - (Chimneys, for safe shipping - limit 3 chimneys up to 2..5'' base diameter per order; 3'' base chimneys, 2 per order; 4'' and 4 1/2'' base chimneys one per each order.).  In some rare instances it is possible for the actual postage cost for the standard chimneys listed above to be more than the automatic charge for postage at checkout.  In such rare cases there may be an additional small charge for postage.

Kosmos Chimney Sizing Information

(*Note)  Kosmos chimneys

Kosmos lamps have been made by literally hundreds of different manufacturers in the past 150 years.  Any ''standards'' are hypothetical.  The brass chimney fingers are adjusted to fit the chimney. 10''' Kosmos chimneys: There are currently no 10''' chimneys available to me from normal business channels but I found an original 10''' Sans Rival to copy precisely. These new chimneys are magnificent!


"Goes in flat, comes out round"... by a process of 'conical curling' ... shows the triangular air port allowing air to centre of flame. Also shows direct gear drive to the wick.] Photo by Alex Marrack

Sizes of Kosmos Lamp Wicks - More information, please click here.

The wick in Kosmos lamps is flat and curled round by the gearing (shown above). The wick must fit inside the circumference of the outer wick tube.  Kosmos wicks are sold by their width, but determining that width when there is no fragment of a wick left to measure can be challenging.  Measuring the diameter and referring to the chart below is one relatively easy way to select the proper fitting wick, or if a wick is present (photo above), measure the width of the wick.


I have listed below the inside diameter of the top of the outside wick tube for various Kosmos lamps I own, shown below the line number and width in inches.  Please note there were hundreds of manufacturers, so dimensions may well vary, in some cases vary considerably


Kosmos Lamps, Rough measurements

Ligne size Outer wick tube diameter Wick width Chimney base diameter:
Chimneys, click here.
6'' 0.575" 1 3/8" 1.360"
8''' 0.620'' 1 5/8" 1.480"
10''' 0.668" 1 7/8" 1.54"
12''' 0.724" 2 1/8" 1.725"
14''' 0.900" 2 9/16" 2.031" to 2.10''
16''' 0.916" 2 3/4" some 2.0" to 2 1/4"
18''' 1.226" 2 3/4" some 2.470" - varies
20''' 1.387'' 3 5/8" 2.470" - 2.485"
24"-30" Varies 4" varies



Feeding a thick wick from the bottom of a 20''' Matador burner can be a challenge.  Making a tape extension as shown at right makes the process much easier.  The tape is pushed up through the wick gap, then the wick gently pulled up through the gearing.






Lamp Collector’s Resource Library  in SEARCHABLE Adobe  Click Here


Lamp Wicks

Center Draft Wicks - many available only from this Wick Shop. #0C, #0S, #0L, #1B, #1M, #1R, #1S, #2M, #2L, #2R, #2 P&A, #2B, #3L.

Flat lamp wicks:

Aladdin Lamp Wicks, parts & pieces, Aladdin history, exploded burner views - every model

Kosmos Lamp Wicks history, photos & information.

Kindler Wicking for stoves and heaters, 3/4'' to 1 1/2'', 5 1/2 foot rolls.

Lamp Chimneys:

Pixie to Kosmos, Duplex, center draft lamps up to store lamps, Den Haan and Angle lamp chimneys.

Premium Custom made Center Draft Lamp chimneys in borosilicate glass from Junior "Tiny" to Mammoth lamps.  #0M, Rayo Jr., 2 1/2", 2 5/8", 2 15/16", 3 1/8", 4", 4 1/2"

20''` neoVulcan Matador chimney

Wild & Wessel Globe Vulcan (Central Vulcan) Chimneys
- 16''', 18''', 24''' & 30''' CHIMNEYS AND WICKS

Fabulous "Sans Rival" borosilicate chimney for 14''' Kosmos lamps

Student Lamp Sans Rival Chimney with 1 7/8" fitter!!!

Victorian Era Student Lamps

Sonnenbrenner Lamp Chimneys

Incredible list of chimney sizes and the lamps they fit, from an early Macbeth catalog

Lamp Chimneys - Dimension of nominal base diameter by make, model and "line".

Information on lamps:

Aladdin Lamp History

Aladdin Lamp Wicks & Chimneys,

Aladdin - Exploded burner views

Beginning Lamp Restoration

Lamp Repair & projects

Center Draft Kerosene Lamps
(Photos, information and history, etc)

Center Draft Lamp manufacturers and brand names

Kosmos-Brenner lamps

Miller Lamps - a photo album

Photos of restored center draft lamps 

Victorian Era Student Lamps


Early American Metal Font & Specialty Lamps

Flame Spreaders and "Smoke Consumers" from Alex Marrack

  • Vulcan, Imperial, Veritas, Belgian, Hinks, Messenger's, Young's Court, etc.

    Articles by Alex Marrack:

Registered Design Numbers For British Lamps


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