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Student Lamp Sans Rival Chimneys

Large Manhattan Student lamp

& Moderator lamps using a 1 15/16'' chimney

The 1st Advance in Student Lamp Chimney Design in over 150 years!


(See also Victorian Era Student Lamp page)

Go here for Student Lamps with a 2" fitter chimney


Student lamp chimneys

1 7/8'' base Student Sans Rival Chimney

Base diameter: 1.888" - 10 3/4" tall
Height to pinch: 2.256"
Diameter at pinch: 1.090"
Diameter of first bulge: 1.422"
Diameter middle of draft control constriction: 1.106"
Diameter of secondary bulge: 1.289"
Diameter of chimney above secondary bulge: 1.056"
Throat diameter: 1.182"
Height: 10.75"

Student lamps will burn well with the traditional design chimney (shown below), but after several years of experimentation I was able to modify a 14''' Sans Rival chimney design to considerably improve the light output and clean burning characteristics of student lamps using a 1 7/8' fitter chimney.  This Student Sans Rival Chimney is an exclusive, made only for me in the USA from my mold with thick borosilicate glass. 

The draft control constriction is what makes this chimney burn so wonderfully.  It pulls up the flame and compresses it to induce complete combustion of the fuel, resulting in an elongated "white light" flame with considerably better brightness and clean burning when compared to a standard student lamp style chimney.  It is amazing.

1 7/8'' Student SANS RIVAL Lamp Chimney for Manhattan, Perfection and Kleeman Student Lamps, Sans Rival design, 1.888" base diameter, 10 3/4" tall - Borosilicate glass, made in the USA from a mold I designed from a modified original German 14''' Sans Rival chimney from the early 1900's.  $59.95- OUT OF STOCK


1 7/8'' BASE DIAMETER for Manhattan, Perfection and Kleeman Student Lamps

1 7/8'' Student Lamp Chimney, traditional design, 1 7/8'' x 10 1/2'' - borosilicate glass!  This chimney is virtually identical to the chimney on my Wild & Wessel ''Harvard'' Student Lamp chimney.  Click for photo.  The W&W "Harvard'' patent of June, 1879 did not include a patent for the chimney as this chimney had been in use on Kleeman and other student lamps for almost two decades by 1879.

Fits most student lamps such as Manhattan, Kleeman.  $19.95

This is not the fabulous Sans Rival Student Lamp chimney as listed above but it will work well with traditional light output. It is made from smooth borosilicate glass with flame-cut, very smooth ends. If your student lamp is a ''shelf queen" and used infrequently, this chimney will suffice to prove your student lamp does work.  For frequent reading the Student Sans Rival chimney above is highly recommended. 

Sans Rival Chimney for the Large Manhattan Student Lamp!!!  NEW!!!
New chimney, made to my specifications.  This is the only chimney made for the Large Manhattan Student lamp!!!
2.34'' base, 10 1/2" tall, hand made from borosilicate glass  $64.95

 Large Manhattan with Sans Rival chimneyPhoto of same lamp lightedAdvertisement for Large (Mammoth) Manhattan.
Miles, all I can say about the sans revival chimney is WOW! Its marvelous, Blindingly bright!  Michael Wanner, Ohio

Sans Rival chimney for 10''' Kosmos Lamps and some Student Lamps. 1.54'' slip fit base.  Kosmos burners require a very tight pinch (0.79") inside diameter to burn perfectly clean and without any aroma, these chimneys are made to my exact specifications.  $59.95 for the ultimate 10''' Kosmos chimney.    IN STOCK

Sans_Rival 14''' Kosmos Chimney, 2.031" base diameter, 10 3/4" tall - Also fits Harvard Student Lamps that have a nominal base diameter of 2".  Borosilicate glass, made in the USA from a mold made from an original German Sans Rival chimney found in Norway.  $59.95.    IN STOCK


Wick for Manhattan, Miller* & Kleeman Student Lamps.  Includes complete, illustrated installation and operating instructions. 1 1/4" flat X 4.5" long.  $8.95

Click here for custom wicks for other student lamps. 
The LARGE Manhattan Student Lamp, German Student Lamp, Cleveland Student Lamp, Miller ''Ideal'' Student Lamps, B&H Student Lamp & Meyrose Student Lamps DO NOT USE THE WICK LISTED ABOVE!  They require different size wicks.   Lamps marked "C. A. Kleeman, C. F. A. Hinrichs N. Y. Sole Agent'' often require a 1.0'' wide wick to fit over a spiral tube of 0.566" diameter.)

Many student lamps are over 150 years old and sometimes develop leaks in the fuel font which are very hard to find. The fuel font is filled when inverted - the top of the font when placed in the font holder is on the bottom.  If there are any air leaks in the sealed TOP of the font the fuel will flow slowly, but continuously, up to the top of the wick, overflow the drip cap, and cover the surface of anything under the lamp.  The air leaks can be sealed so the lamp operated properly without leaking. Click here to see how.

Heinrichs & Knopp on left and Manhattan on right burning with the 1 7/8" Sans Rival chimney. The Miller "0" Vestal Student Lamp in the middle with a Junior "0" size chimney for a typical "0" burner with flame spreader.

On the left is the traditional style student lamp chimney listed above. On the right is the chimney that was on my W&W ''Harvard'' Student lamp shown in the background.  Click on the photo to enlarge it and you will see the chimneys appear virtually identical in height to tapered pinch, in total height and in diameter.  This style student lamp chimney has now been in use for over 150 years.  Virtually all student lamp burners were pure Argand type.  The W&W Harvard is a Kosmos burner, as befits the lamp as Emil Wild patented the Kosmos burner in 1865 and patented the ''Harvard'' student lamp in June, 1879.

Student lamps using a 3/4" diameter circular wick were in use by 1860.  These lamps were of an Argand style, a circular wick without a flame spreader.  To obtain a bright light for reading, the flame had to be elongated, raised, to have the highest "flame front" possible.  To this end the single-pinch "Kosmos" style chimney was employed. 

The best student lamp chimney of the Kosmos style was the MacBeth #50.  It produced the cleanest burning and brightest light, but that light was still yellow with incomplete combustion - the lamps produced a noticeable aroma.  MacBeth #50 chimneys have not been available for many decades.

A few of my customers were using the Sans Rival 14''' Kosmos chimney and noted the absolute superiority of that chimney over any single-pinch standard Kosmos chimney (see the results below), and they wanted a reduced-base Sans Rival for their Student Lamps.  I had samples made using the Sans Rival as a guide but using the base dimensions of the MacBeth #50.  The results were absolutely outstanding - white light and no aroma even when burning very low as a night light. 


Heavy Oil, 0.5"

Heinrichs & Knopp, 1.5" Manhattan, 2.125"

Note the indicated fuel levels below the burners above; the fuel flows from the separate font to the small fuel supply around the wick.  The level of the fuel below the wick can be measured by the height of the top of the fill tube.  This system allows the fuel around the wick to be a constant level until the separate font is empty.

The heavy oil lamp on the left above requires a mineral oil or vegetable oil such as olive oil:  the fuel level is far too close to the flame to use kerosene as a fuel.  The medium fuel H&K student lamp in the middle photo above requires a blend of mineral or vegetable oil and kerosene as the heat of the flame just 1.5" above the fuel causes kerosene to actually boil and sputter - definitely not safe!  The Manhattan Perfection Student Lamp on the right above has the correct fuel level for burning kerosene.  In most cases the wicks are the same on all three types of student lamp.  I can make wicks for the  No. 11 Postal Student and large and small German Student Lamps upon request.

Test results:

I have used your 1 7/8 prototype Sans Rival chimney on several of my student lamps, including the Berlin that burned "rich" and was very aromatic. All I can say is WOW!!!!!!! The flame could be set from a low night light to the "Christmas tree" height with excellent results. It increased the light output by at least twice. It almost looks like the mantle of an Aladdin lamp. The chimney is as clean as the day I got it with no residue after burning for about 15 hours. I would hope it would be feasible for you to have this chimney put into production as it makes all the difference in the efficiency of the lamp. Please advise if and when you do.

I have now tried the Sans Rival on 4 different lamps that I own and have given it extended hours of use on each lamp. In every case, the chimney performs beautifully! I haven't noticed any odor from any of the lamps---combustion seems to be absolutely perfect.  T his morning, I put it on my Berlin Student Lamp and it performed wonderfully with no smell.  This is a true beneficial addition to the lampophiles of the world! Many, many thanks!     
Steve L. in California


Words fail me! I had the nicest surprise when I arrived home this evening from work! The Sans Rival chimney for my Manhattan Student lamp was awaiting me---and let me tell you, this is a PERFECT solution. It fits the lamp perfectly, and the flame is visually equal or GREATER in brightness when compared to the old Macbeth chimney. DELIGHTED BEYOND DESCRIPTION!!!!!!!!      Kelly N. in North Carolina

Sans Rival Kosmos Chimney information below

By far the most common size Kosmos-style lamp is the 14'''.  They were produced in many countries in Europe for over a century.  It is therefore no surprise that chimney base diameters varied considerably for what was listed as standard 14''' lamps.  The Sans Rival chimney has a base diameter of 2.031".  I have other 14''' chimneys which range from 2.00" to 2.109" diameter - about the maximum diameter which will fit the burner.  All chimneys get hot in use, and glass expands when hot.  There should be spring finger tension to hold the chimney in place so when hot the chimney has room to expand.

Never used your fingers to bend chimney prongs - it is far too easy to bend the fingers too far and break them, plus the individual fingers will not be adjusted evenly.  If a chimney fits too tightly, gently bend the fingers out from the inside by using the convex side of a teaspoon.  To bend chimney fingers in, something about the diameter of an AAA battery can be held horizontally right in the curl of the chimney fingers and moved around the outside of the fingers, gently bending them in to have a uniform spring tension. Start the bending process at the wick raiser knob and end there for uniform concentricity.

At far right is a photo of the hunting cabin in northern Norway where William Sogge found the original Sans Rival Chimney.  And there is the 14''' Kosmos lamp burning brightly in the same place it has hung for a hundred years.

Near right photo - the signed original Sans Rival which was used to make the mold for my Sans Rival chimneys.

At right is a photo of a typical 14''' Kosmos Concierge.  Note the brilliant white light in the "Christmas Tree" effect from the Sans Rival Chimney.

The Sans Rival's enhanced draft and flame control allows for the brightest white light on any 14''' Kosmos lamp.  And that wonderful draft control means that even at a very low setting, for example as a night light, the lamp produced clean, odor free burning.  So clean, in fact, that the chimney seems to stay clean and without a trace of smudge even after many days of burning.

At right is a pretty poor example of a 14''' Kosmos lamp.  I purchased this dog almost 20 years ago.  There was a pinhole leak in the glass font.  Fixed that with radiator epoxy.  I fired it up and it smelled horrible.  It traveled to a shelf in a storage room and stayed there for all this time.  A few days ago I dug it out, straightened the collar so the chimney would be fairly close to vertical, installed a new wick and tried it again.  Still smell horrible from a too-rich mixture not be able to fully burn in a conventional Kosmos chimney.  I stuck on a Sans Rival chimney and it burns white with absolutely no aroma.  The Sans Rival chimney burns hot and the secondary combustion chamber burns up all residual vaporized fuel so there is no aroma when burning the lamp!

The visible flame shown in the photo at right is not maximum height.  In this test I only had perhaps an inch and a half of fuel in the font.  The wick had to raise the fuel over 7" and that is too great a lift to sustain a full burn without an apparent capillary deficiency. If the font was 3/4th full of fuel it would sustain a flame above the secondary combustion chamber in the chimney.  But it works!

Testing and trials.   The Sans Rival chimneys are AWESOME! What a relief for us 14''' Kosmos users! Thank you!!! Pretty much all my 14''' Kosmos lamps are going to be wearing them soon.   Peter Brickell, Toronto 8.15.11


Test conditions:

LAMP - "Brickell Hybrid" with a modern A. P. Gaudard 14-line burner on a painted glass font and non-original base

FUEL - 1-K kerosene from a service station (fully taxed fuel, thus not dyed). Not quite as good as the expensive packaged
1-K at the hardware store, but very close. My standard lamp fuel for non-problem lamps.


Standard 14''' Chimney

Sans Rival 14''' Chimney


Test A:

San Rival Chimney, burner turned up until it started to smoke and nudged back to a clean burn.

Light level at 21" away with flat field light meter attachment and angled to get maximum illumination reading = Exposure Value
(EV) 3.75 @ 100 ASA/ISO (36 Lux)


Sans Rival chimney at maximum


Test B:

Standard modern 14-line chimney (perhaps B&P or Gaudard) on same lamp. One I consider typical of today's Kosmos chimneys (poor constriction shape). Chimney was about 1/2 inch shorter overall than the San Rival. Turned up until it smoked and then turned back until it burned clean.

Light level at 21" with same meter arrangement and angled for maximum illumination reading = Exposure Value (EV) 2.88 @
100 ASA/ISO (27.6 Lux)

Standard chimney at maximum

EV levels are logarithmic, thus a change of ± 1 EV is twice or half as much light. So, the San Rival put out 3.75 - 2.88 = 0.87 EV more light = 1.8X as much light as the standard chimney was capable of. So almost twice!

Disclaimer - none of this was precise science! I just tried to equalize the conditions and photographic angle for the comparisons.
Peter Brickell, Toronto    August 15, 2011

Test and Testimonial from a customer

Sans Rival Chimney on my Manhattan Student Lamp Its been running for 1 1/2 hours burns clean no fumes and no problems.  Thanks Again  Billy Hart In Iowa


Moderator Lamp using Student Sans Rival chimney

*Some Miller Student lamps DID NOT use either the standard 1 7/8'' chimney OR a #0C circular wick of 1 1/4'' diameter.

The Miller Syphon Student lamp patent dates of 1868 through 1878, pre-dating flame spreaders and Miller's center draft lamps. Photo:  Mark Miller Miller Syphon Student Lamp showing the burner.  This lamp uses very thick 15/16'' wide wicks.  Exceedingly rare lamp!

Miller #1 "Ideal" Student Lamp, photo courtesy of Edward Miller Lamp Co.

Above right, the unique burner on the Miller "Ideal" Student Lamp.  Credit at left.

Photos of other student lamps

Cornucopia Student Lamp - Wild & Wessel

The  ultimate, a W&W Double Harvard


My W&W ''Harvard"

June, 1879 W&W patent for the ''Harvard'' Student Lamp


L&B Student Lamp, 1875

My student lamps lighted.

Parts for student lamps often go missing or are damaged over the years. The photos above show dimensional data for a Manhattan Student Lamp burner.

At right, the Manhattan Student Lamp wick chase/wick sleeve, as shown above with dimensions but shown at right uncovered by the wick.


Near right, one side of a Heinrichs & Knopp outer wick sleeve.  This side is marked "Patn Dec. 24, 72" meaning 1872. The other side of the outer wick tube is shown below, far right, with a wick installed.

Far right, a Heinrichs & Knopp wick sleeve/wick chase.  Note the rectangular projection on te bottom of the wick sleeve/wick chase.

When assembled (shown below) the angled indentation is carefully fitted into the stud in the burner tube.  When the burner is rotated the stud turns in the slot and the wick is lifted up for burning.

Near right, a new wick tied to the bottom of the wick sleeve/wick chase. Note the rectangular projection on the bottom of the wick sleeve. The wick shown at near right is a standard wick material wick while the assembled unit on the far right has an experimental felt wick, hence the different colors of the wicks.

To assemble, the wick sleeve is held over the top of the outer wick tube while tipped a bit so the rectangular projection on the wick sleeve can be lowered into the rectangular slot at the top of the wick sleeve. The wick sleeve is then guided down the slot to the bottom.









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Standard lamp wicks and

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Kosmos Lamp Wicks

Smudge Pot - Tiki Torch Wicks

  • Toledo Torch & Some Dietz

Kindler Wicking

Auto Motor Primer Wicks


Lamp Chimneys:

Center Draft Lamp chimneys in borosilicate glass from Junior "Tiny" to Mammoth lamps.  #0M, Rayo Jr., 2 1/2", 2 5/8", 2 15/16", 3 1/8", 4", 4 1/2"

Standard glass lamp chimneys & Kosmos chimneys

Globe Vulcan (Central Vulcan) Chimneys
- 16''', 18''', 24''' & 30''' CHIMNEYS AND WICKS

Fabulous "Sans Rival" borosilicate chimney for 14''' Kosmos lamps

Student Lamp Sans Rival Chimney with 1 7/8" fitter!!!

Angle Lamp chimneys

Sonnenbrenner Lamp Chimneys

Lamp Chimneys - Dimension of nominal base diameter by make, model and "line".

Information on lamps:

Aladdin Lamp History

Aladdin Lamp Wicks & Chimneys,

Aladdin - Exploded burner views

Beginning Lamp Restoration

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Center Draft Kerosene Lamps
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Center Draft Lamp manufacturers and brand names

Kosmos-Brenner lamps

Miller Lamps - a photo album

Photos of restored center draft lamps 

Victorian Era Student Lamps


Early American Metal Font & Specialty Lamps

Flame Spreaders and "Smoke Consumers" from Alex Marrack

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    Articles by Alex Marrack:

Registered Design Numbers For British Lamps


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