HEAT MATE Kerosene Heater Wicks










Unique Specialty wicks
for 19th Century lamps


     .    .

World's Largest Selection of Wicks!
      Wicks for virtually every heater, stove and lamp made since 1850


HEAT MATE Kerosene Heater Wicks

The finest quality, longest lasting CUI wicks - made by Hattersley in England! 
Wicks are individually packaged, include instructions and mailed worldwide.


HMHR-1101; HMRF-1140 (All wide Heat Mate Radiant heaters)
CT-1100; Mega-110; AWHR-1101; AWRF-1140; HMRF-1140; 
SCT-1100 "Kero Jet". (Factory wick # OS-0011). (Looks like this - visible round knob in center raises the wick.  The MGN-110 above does has a lever to raise the wick.)  Owner's Manuals for Heat Mate's.



OR-77, -78;    (Omni-directional radiant.  Looks like this.)



MGN-110; CTN-110; HMN-110    The new narrow Heat Mate Radiant   The wick is raised with a lever.  (No igniter replacement)



CV-23K, CV2000, 2200, 2230, HMC-23K,HMHC 2230, Mega-23K, Mega-230, KH-250 - all the same convection heater regardless of the prefix; all Sengoku/Heat Mate brand convection heaters made since 1999 use unpinned wick #8. Owner's manual click here, part #OS-0023 page 14. Wick installation, pages 8, 9, 10.



400, 400E; 500; 650E, 650EW; 670GED, 670EDW; 700; 700EF; GHM 700;  810 (K850)  [Photo of wick #10]



450; 600E, 600EW (K-950); 1010, 1050



800 (K-950C)



KAI 2000








Igniter for the MGN-110; CTN-110; HMN-110.   The factory told me "These igniters are actually very good and do not require replacement like the other ones that was easy to damage. If it doesn't ignite, mostly the positioning of the igniter has changed and just need to be moved to the original position."  However, some of these igniters do fail.  As of Nov. 25, 2019, this igniter is unavailable except from Heat Mate/Sengoku the Importer, 877-438-4328


Use Igniter #3  (Not for the MGN-110; CTN-110; HMN-110.)


Igniters - Mica windows - Battery powered pumps

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Sengoku or Heat Mate RADIANT heater MGN-110, HMN-110 & CTN-110 - (All are the same heater regardless of the prefix designation.  Note the single lever on the faceplate pushed down to raise the wick. Sengoku or Heat Mate CONVECTION heater CV2000, 2200, 2230, HMHC 2230, Mega-230, KH-250, CV-23K;
HMC-23K - all the same convection heater regardless of the prefix.

Sengoku or Heat Mate OR-77 omni-directional radiant. Sengoku or Heat Mate CT-1000, IT-1000; MEGA-110, CT-1100, CT-1100F, 1400, 1500, HMHR 1101, HMHF 1140; RF-1140 - ROUND DIAL IN MIDDLE for raising and lowering the wick.









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Kerosene Stoves, Lanterns and Ovens

  • Kerosene Stoves - Recommendations on different models  New!
  • Kerosene Stove Maintenance and Storage  
  • Butterfly A-822, 22 wick, all-aluminum premium stove.   New!
  • Butterfly #2487, 16 wick stove
  • Butterfly #2412 Pressure Stove;
  • instructions for virtually any pressure stove.
  • Butterfly #2418 Double Burner Stove;
  • good with any gravity flow stove.
  • Butterfly #2421 Oven for Kerosene Stoves
  • Butterfly #2641, 10 Wick Stove -
  • the least expensive emergency stove.
  • Butterfly #2698 Cook Stove -
  • THE Best Heavy Duty Cook Stove. 
  • Butterfly #828R Pressure Lantern;
  • same for most pressure lanterns.