POD Jr - 3k/7k Heater










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POD Jr - 3k/7k Heater

The small POD heaters made in Sweden were perhaps the best-built small heaters ever made.  The workmanship and materials used were outstanding and the theoretical design work yielded a very clean burning heat.

As Sweden is not a member of NATO, the distribution of the military model 3k/7k heater was confined to Nordic nations and they are rare indeed.  My POD 7K was made in 1981.  The basic font, gallery and wick were used in many commercial small POD heaters, including the models Jr, 2, 2K, 5K, 7K, 61, 62, 62K, 65, 76K, "Ge-Hå" & Top.  The "Ge-Hå" was an interesting design using a stainless steel top with a provision for venting and a sealed font to prevent fuel sloshing for use heating the cabins of small sail boats. 

POD may still manufacture the POD 8K/SEL heater, a larger heater which could best be described as what an Aladdin Blue flame heater would be if updated.

I stock wicks for both POD heaters.

Both the small POD and POD 8K/SEL are flame spreader designs, and the last flame spreader heaters to be manufactured by anyone. 

POD has been making heaters since the 1950's and their experience and expertise is accepted worldwide.   The 8K/SEL is apparently still in production, but that is not certain. The smaller, marine-intended "Ge-Hå" heater may also be in production.  It is impossible to provide any definitive information on POD heaters because they do not appear to have a dealer/distributor system, do not advertise, have never had a website, etc. Their marketing strategy seems to be to produce heaters in secret and hope that word-of-mouth "advertising" will suffice to sell their heaters.

Some listings for POD heaters for sale are below.



The small POD 7K shown at right is their military model, apparently made as a "tent heater," similar in concept to the Turm L51 used by German, Swiss and Austrian armed forces. The markings on the silver label shown at right are:

POD  M2842-062010



POD 7K With Cover Removed

The "chimney" for draft control extends to within 1 1/4" of the top of the protective screened cover.  The heat is contained within the chimney.  The circular screen cage has a clearance of 1 3/4" all around from the hot chimney, allowing a substantial passage of air through the screen.  The result is a "touching" temperature cool enough not to burn fingers or clothing.  Indeed this heater could be safely used in a tent with reasonable care.

The POD Wick and Wick Carrier

At right is the wick sleeve from the POD 7K heater with a new wick installed.  Note the split in the wick is aligned with the gear slots in the sleeve, and the seam is split up to the base of the wick sleeve.  Install the wick with 1 1/4 in. (31mm) exposed above wick sleeve to get the correct wick height for burning.

The wick sleeve is identical to the Valor W44 wick sleeve but the Valor wick is cardboard-backed and too thick to fit over the POD center draft tube.  If you have a small POD heater missing the wick sleeve, the W44 wick sleeve can be used with a POD Jr. wick to get the heater back into operation.

Getting ready to burn a new wick level

The photo at right shows the new wick installed and the gallery replaced.  At this point the wick is lowered into the wick gap and a couple of teaspoons of alcohol carefully poured on the top of the wick.  The wick is then raised as shown so that 1/8" or so of wick is exposed.  The flame spreader is in place.  The wick is then lighted and the chimney replaced.  The alcohol will burn, then burn the wick itself down level with the wick tubes.  At that point the wick will be perfectly level on top and burn without producing any flame spikes.

(See the label translation from Swedish to English below.)

The POD heater is now ready to use.  Fill with pure, clear kerosene ("paraffin"), wait a half hour, then light the wick.  Replace the chimney and the protective screen.  The heater will then produce approximately 4,000 BTU/hr with a medium wick height setting.

More general instructions for using the POD heater can be found in the owner's manual for a Valor Parlor Heater.


POD "Ge-Hå"


Translating the label on the POD 3k/7k military model:

Translating the labels on a POD 3k/7k military heater was begun by Peter Brickell. The initial translation was from Dr. Terry Biddleman. The translation and comments in red were kindly provided by Olle Nygren to Peter Brickell for us to understand the directions on the POD 3k/7k heater. Miles Stair

POD labels translation

(English underneath in italics)

För hög, normal, För låg inställning.

Too high, normal, too low setting.

Brinsle: Tillse vid påfyllning at ni alltid använder ren fotogen 24. Använd aldrig en brinnande vattenfiltervärmare.

Brinsle?: Make sure when filling that you always use clean kerosene #24. Never fill a burning water filter heater.

Tändning: Låt veken suga up fotogenen i ca. 10 min. Innan vattenfiltervärmaren första gång skall användas, vrid därefter upp veken 3-4 mm och tänd så, att lågen sprider sig runt vekens kant. Därefter justeras lågen med hjälp av ratten till önskad effekt (storlek). Tillse alltid att lågen är helt blå.

Ignition: Let the wick draw up the kerosene in ca. 10 min. Before the water filter heater is used for the first time, turn up the wick 3-4 mm and light so that the flame spreads around the wick edge. Then adjust the flame by the wheel to the desired effect (size). Always ensure that the flame is completely blue.

Skötsel: Veken måste vid behov putsas. Detta sker med tillhörande renskniven som anbringas på centrumröret sedan veken skruvats i bottenläge och centrumhuven borttagits. Därefter skruvas veken åter upp till den når kniven, varefter kniven vrides runt tills de lösa kolpartiklarna avlägsnats.

Maintenance: The wick must, if necessary, be trimmed. This is done with accompanying knife that is attached to the center pipe. Screwed the wick to the bottom position and remove the central hood. Then screw the wick up again until it reaches the knife. Turn the knife around until the loose carbon particles are removed.

Vekbyte: När veken fullt uppskruvad ej längre ger full blå låga är den förbrukad och måste bytas. Tag bort skorsten och centrumhuv, skruva av brännarhuset med den medföljande nyckeln, vrid upp veken så långt, att denna såväl som vekhylsan kan lossas från centrumröret. Tag den nya originalveken, till vilken alltid vekhylsa medföljer, och sätt den på centrumröret, så att kugghjulet griper in i hålraden på vekhylsan. Vrid därefter ned veken, sätt på brännerhus och centrumhuv och vatterfiltervärmaren är klar att tändas.

Changing the wick: When the wick fully turned up no longer provides a full blue flame, it is consumed and must be replaced. Remove the chimney and central hood, unscrew the burner with the key provided, turn up the wick far enough that the wick carrier can be detached from the center tube. Take the new original wick, which is supplied with the wick carrier, and place it on the center of the pipe so that the pinion engages the punches in the wick carrier. Then turn down the wick, put on burner housing and central hood and the water filter heater is ready to ignite.

Observera. Endast för uppvärmning av vattenfilter 1000 L/H. Förbud mot annan användning.

Please note. Only for heating water filters 1000 L / H. Other use prohibited.



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