Unique Specialty wicks for
19th Century lamps
. .
World's Largest Selection of Wicks!
Wicks for virtually every heater, stove and lamp made since 1850
Perfection Superfex Burner in Perfection Oil Cook Stoves,
Ranges and Water Heaters
(For Perfection
500 heaters go here click.)
(For Perfection 300 & 400
heaters go here.)
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1922 Perfection
Superfex instructions & FABULOUS 47 page Cook
Book - LARGE 9.25 MB Download
History of
the Perfection Stove Company
factory-made Perfection 441X Superfex wicks
have been available for many years, but wicks can
be made to fit those giant
I had 3 5/8"
flat wicks made in England by Hattersley especially
for me. Those wicks are amazingly versatile and
will keep the large Superfex burners working when
nothing else is available. Click on any
photo to


At left, an original Perfection
441 wick. The carrier is 5" in diameter.
On the right is the solution - 3
5/8" flat wicks.


At left, a view of the bottom of
an original Perfection 325 wick, the same basic
design as the 441 wick. The metal tabs are
gently pried up with a flat bladed screwdriver and
the old wick pulled out from the top, as shown at

The two 3 5/8" wide wicks shown
above right are 8" long. Sew the ends
together using a zig-zag stitch, then make a circle
and zig-zag the two remaining ends. You will then
have a circle of wick 3 5/8" high with a diameter
of 4 7/8" - perfect for slipping into the carrier
after the old wick is removed.
Make sure the
wick fits under the tabs uniformly, all the way to
the bottom, as shown at right. The tabs can
then be crimped back on the wick with a pair of
pliers, but they can also crimp the folded edge of
the tab too tightly. It is better to push the
top of the tab down with a flat bladed screwdriver
until it is tight against the wick. That will
ensure the tabs can be bent out again to accept
another new wick. The new wick can then be
installed following the directions


Two (2) 3 5/8" x 8" wicks to be
sewn together to make a wick for the Perfection
Superfex burner. The wicks are available on my
flat wick page. Use the thick 3 5/8"
wick. $9.75 per wick. Change quantity to
"2" on checkout basket below.
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